Software Tools for Optometrists

RxVigilance consists of a series of ultra efficient hyperlinks that quickly and seamlessly hone in on critical information, without taking away from your time with your patient.

Quickly find information on:

  • Adverse effects
  • Drug interactions
  • Calculation tools such as BMI, creatinine, and pediatric dosages

detailing information relevant to clinical decision-making

2,500interaction sheets

relating to all drugs sold across Canada


in a database that is updated daily

Authorized drugs

Optometrists are allowed to prescribe certain drugs within the scope of their practice. Vigilance Santé, in collaboration with the Ordre des Optométristes du Québec, has developed, to quickly identify drugs that can and cannot be prescribed by optometrists.

A search field can be used to bring up information on a specific drug.

RxVigilance for optometrists

RxVigilance is a must-have decision support tool for health professionals. It is the gateway to a wide range of work tools and a wealth of information for professionals and patients.

  • Includes an antibiotic therapy and pediatric dosing guide.
  • Presents therapeutic indications in each monograph.
  • Provides access to a list of relevant medications based on a diagnosis.
  • Enables users to analyze a patient’s pharmacological profile before issuing a prescription.

Among the modules available in RxVigilance

Profile analysis
Profile editor
Information sheets

Ophthalmic calendar

Creating calendars and administration schedules

Specifically designed for the administration of ophthalmic products, this type of dosing schedule ensures better management of dosing intervals, frequency of dosing, and timing of administration.

More information on Calendars

Profile analysis

Use the analysis results generated by Perspectives to get an overview of a patient profile and perform targeted analysis simulations with the profile editor.


Portrait of a patient profile

Perspectives provides health professionals with an overview of patient profiles. From here, quickly access alerts relating to drugs in the profile, as well as any information needed for quick and safe decision-making.

  • Alerts categorized by level
  • Complete and detailed patient profile
  • Ability to target certain drugs
  • List of side effects in the profile
  • Display of filtered results based on selected criteria
  • Metabolic pathways
See Perspectives

Profile editor

Targeted analysis simulation

Create and analyse patient profiles with the profile editor. Adjust medication and any other characteristic in the profile without having to make changes to the patient’s official record.

  • Complete patient profile
  • Medication profile
  • Laboratory analyses in the profile
See Profile Editor

Patient handouts

RxVigilance is primarily a directory containing all information sheets for patients that optometrists need daily. The RxFeuillet module makes it possible to modify the information contained in the drug sheets as well as the setting schedule. Our auxiliary informations sheets contain useful illustrations for patients.

  • Disease fact sheets
  • Drug information sheets
  • Auxiliary sheets
  • Travel-related information
  • …and many more
More info

Need more information?

For information on the software we develop or our services, please consult our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), and don't hesitate to contact a member of our team!