Calculation tools

From simple calculations to more complex pharmacokinetic calculations, more than twenty calculations, used on a day-to-day basis, along with their index, are available in RxVigilance.

Module de calculs pour les professionnels de la santé

More than 20 commonly used calculations

Users benefit from calculation tools in many clinical situations.

  • Initial aminoglycoside dosing
  • Aminoglycosides and vancomycin
  • Major Bleeding prediction score (HAS-BLED)
  • Body mass index
  • Body surface area
  • Heart Disease Risk
  • Corrected calcium
  • Corrected phenytoin
  • Number of days between two dates
  • Weight-based dosing
  • Conversion of doses into volume
  • Dilution
  • Estimated kidney function
  • Fluid replacement
  • Infusion rate
  • Nutritional Needs
  • Pregnancy due date
  • Unit conversion
Calculation Example with Cockcroft-Gault Formulation for Creatinine Clearance

Referenced formulas

When relevant, you can take a closer look at the description of the calculation and the formula, with a simple click of a button.

Some of the calculators automatically perform basic calculations such as ideal weight, dosage weight, and BMI when all the required fields are completed.

Print options in Calculation tools

Printing options

Results can be printed, added to the patient’s file, or sent to another health professional.

A space reserved for card imprinting or other optional information can be added upon printing.

Included in RxVigilance!

This tool is part of RxVigilance. Subscribe to it today on our online store!

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