
New Section: Postexposure Prophylaxis-in-Pocket (PIP)
March 2025

New Section: Postexposure Prophylaxis-in-Pocket (PIP)

Comparative Drug Chart
We have updated our comparative chart on antiretrovirals for HIV infection by adding a section on Postexposure prophylaxis-in-pocket (PIP). This approach consists in providing the patient with a prescription for postexposure prophylaxis before they need it, so that they have immediate access to the medication in the event of potential HIV exposure.

To learn more, use the Comparative Drug Charts index or the Search field on the home screen.
Perioperative management of direct oral anticoagulants
February 2025

Perioperative management of direct oral anticoagulants

Comparative Drug Chart
We have updated the Perioperative management section of our comparative chart of oral anticoagulants to include the most recent recommendations on discontinuing and resuming direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), as well as on assessing both thromboembolic and bleeding risks. This update takes into account the latest clinical advances and offers a clearer organization of the information related to perioperative patient management. We invite you to review the revised chart for details on these updates. To access it, use the Comparative Drug Charts index or the Search field on the home screen.
Did you know?
January 2025

Did you know?

Laboratory tests
RxVigilance provides patient information sheets on various laboratory tests and medical examinations. These sheets include details about the necessary preparation, the procedure, and possible interpretations of the results, among other information. They can be accessed from the homepage by clicking on Laboratory Tests or directly via the Search field by entering the name of a specific test or examination. Additionally, an index featuring normal values for over 280 laboratory tests is also available. To access it, enter Laboratory Reference Values in the search field.
Adjustments in dialysis
December 2024

Adjustments in dialysis

We have enhanced our monographs with a new section dedicated to dose adjustments for patients on hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. This addition complements the existing information on renal impairment and dialysis supplements, providing you with even more precise and tailored recommendations for these clinical situations. You will see the Adjustment in dialysis section gradually appear in our monographs, located just below the Renal impairment section.
New look of our Patient Information Sheets
November 2024

New look of our Patient Information Sheets

Patient Information Sheets
In the November version, you'll notice that we've changed the look of our patient information sheets. Their modern new design is easier to read and optimized for printing. You can access these sheets via the Search field or via the Patient Information Sheets index at the bottom of the page.
Contraception and specific conditions
October 2024

Contraception and specific conditions

Comparative Drug Chart
Following the 2024 update of the CDC's medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use (U.S. MEC), we have refreshed our comparative chart on contraceptive methods in patients with certain common medical conditions (e.g., smoking, history of deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism). You can access it via the Search field or the Comparative Drug Charts index at the bottom of the page.
CNS depressant effect
September 2024

CNS depressant effect

Cumulative toxicity
In order to keep our alerts as relevant as possible, we have replaced our "Sedation" alerts with "CNS depressant effects" alerts. This change was made with the goal of identifying the additive risks of adverse effects such as drowsiness, reduced attention, and respiratory problems, which is particularly important in the context of the opiate crisis. This alert will appear when analyzing the profile of patients most at risk, to help you manage their care.
CKD-EPI equation
August 2024

CKD-EPI equation

Calculation tools
The CKD-EPI equation has been updated to remove race as a factor in the calculation of estimated glomerular filtration rate. This is in line with the latest recommendations from the National Kidney Foundation and the American Society of Nephrology. You can access this equation directly via the Search field or by opening the Calculation Tools module.
Supplement in dialysis
July 2024

Supplement in dialysis

Our team has reviewed the data on supplements in dialysis for hemodialysis (high-flux membrane) and peritoneal dialysis. You can consult the Supplement in dialysis section in the monographs, just below the Renal impairment section
Drugs used to treat osteoporosis
June 2024

Drugs used to treat osteoporosis

Comparative Drug Chart
We've created a new comparative drug chart for drugs used to treat osteoporosis. Among other things, it contains information on the different classes of agents used, some treatment principles, as well as details on duration of treatment and drug holidays. You can access it via the Search field or the Comparative Drug Charts index at the bottom of the page.
Drugs used to treat obesity
May 2024

Drugs used to treat obesity

Comparative Drug Chart
We've created a new comparative drug chart for drugs used to treat obesity. Among other things, it contains information to help you compare the different treatment options (e.g., recognized indications, usual doses, common side effects). You can access it via the Search field or the Comparative Drug Charts index at the bottom of the page.
Aerobika directions for use
April 2024

Aerobika directions for use

Patient Information Sheets
We've expanded our selection of patient information sheets: we now offer a handout on how to use the Aerobika device, which you can give to your patients as a helpful reminder. The document is available in RxVigilance under Patient Information Sheets - Directions for Use, or via the Search field.
Improved search
March 2024

Improved search

To enhance the user experience, we've improved our search function so that it provides more accurate and relevant results. We've also revamped the interface. Please note that the information concerning the version of RxVigilance you are using can be found in the navigation menu at the top right of your screen.
February 2024


Comparative Drug Chart
In light of the 2023 update of the PEER simplified lipid guideline for the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease in primary care, we have updated our comparative drug chart for lipid-lowering agents, among others. Notably, this update addresses the recommended follow-up when initiating a lipid-lowering treatment, treatment targets, and the management of certain adverse effects.
New developments in osteoporosis treatment
January 2024

New developments in osteoporosis treatment

Following the publication of the new guideline for osteoporosis management and fracture prevention in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, we have updated some of our content, including some bisphosphonate monographs. This new guideline covers, among other things, drug holidays following three to six years of initial bisphosphonate treatment and the subsequent monitoring required to assess the need to resume treatment.
New Compounding Formulations
December 2023

New Compounding Formulations

Compounding Formulas

The following formulations have been added to the master formula registry:

  • Hydroxyurea 100 mg/mL oral suspension (Ora-Blend) (capsules)
  • Hydroxyurea 100 mg/mL oral suspension (Ora-Blend) (powder)

You can access these formulations by using the Search field or through the module entitled Compounding Formulas.

Breastfeeding and HIV
November 2023

Breastfeeding and HIV

Comparative Drug Charts
We've updated the Breastfeeding section of the Antiretrovirals for the treatment of HIV infection comparative drug charts to incorporate the consensus recommendations from the Canadian Pediatric and Perinatal HIV/AIDS Research Group (CPARG). You can access it via the Search field or the Comparative Drug Charts index at the bottom of the page.
Cardiovascular Safety of Testosterone
October 2023

Cardiovascular Safety of Testosterone

Following publication of the results of the TRAVERSE study in the New England Journal of Medicine, we have updated the Warnings sections of our monographs for testosterone-containing products. The alerts generated by our analysis engine have also been updated. The TRAVERSE study concluded that in men with hypogonadism and preexisting or a high risk of cardiovascular disease, testosterone-replacement therapy was noninferior to placebo with respect to the incidence of major adverse cardiac events.
Nutrition: A successful interprofessional collaboration
September 2023

Nutrition: A successful interprofessional collaboration

Patient Information Sheets
In order to continue providing you with quality content, we have partnered with a nutritionist to update our nutrition information sheets. We have also added three new dietary approaches on the following topics: Menopause, Intestinal health and Vegetarianism. You can access these sheets by the Information Sheets index at the bottom of the home screen or by using the Search field.
New look
August 2023

New look

Comparative Drug Charts
We're currently redesigning our comparative drug charts. They will gradually be replaced by versions that are more streamlined and user-friendly. You can access these charts by going to the Comparative Drug Charts index at the bottom of the home screen or by using the Search field.
June 2023


Comparative Drug Charts
We've updated our sunscreens chart just in time for summer! This document lists the different types of sun filters found in various sunscreens on the market and allows you to easily compare two or more products. It also includes information on proper sunscreen use.
New look
May 2023

New look

Parenteral Administration Guide
We have redesigned our parenteral administration sheets. They are still filled with useful information, but they are now more streamlined and user-friendly. You'll find information on storage, reconstitution, stability, indications, and doses according to the administration routes of the drug concerned.
New feature
April 2023

New feature

Compounding Formulas
A process of standardizing compounding formulas is currently underway in Quebec. This project is funded by Médicament Québec and the Goodman Pediatric Formulations Centre of the CHU Sainte-Justine, in partnership with the AQPP, the APES, the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Université de Montréal and Vigilance Santé.

Vigilance Santé is partnering with this initiative by distributing standardized formulas, among other things. Accordingly, we have added the Magistrales standardisées au Québec (MSQ) logo to 8 of the formulas in our Compounding Formulas module, with more to come.
Did you know?
March 2023

Did you know?

Professional Documentation
RxVigilance provides you with a wide range of material from recognized Canadian organizations, including documents of a clinical, regulatory, and administrative nature. We also have forms you might find useful in your practice. In addition, we've redesigned the index grouping all these documents together to improve its appearance and usability.

The Professional Documentation index is accessible via a quick link at the bottom of the home screen.
New look and feature
February 2023

New look and feature

Information Sheets
We have redesigned our patient information sheets on a number of medical conditions and diseases. They are still filled with useful information for you and your patients, but they are now more streamlined and user-friendly. For some, we have also added a condensed version in the form of a fact sheet (At a glance). These sheets can be accessed from the index at the bottom of the home screen or directly from the Search field.
Laxatives and stool softeners in pediatrics
January 2023

Hormonal contraception and adverse effects

Comparative Drug Charts
Although the adverse effects of hormonal contraception usually disappear during the second or third month of use, they are the main reason for discontinuing treatment. To help you with users of hormonal birth control, we have updated our chart on managing adverse effects of hormonal contraceptives. You can access this document via the Search field or via the Comparative Drug Charts index at the bottom of the page.
Laxatives and stool softeners in pediatrics
December 2022

Laxatives and stool softeners in pediatrics

Comparative Drug Charts
The pediatric section of our laxatives and stool softeners comparison table has been updated and now contains a wealth of information on the subject. Among other things, it covers diagnosis, warning signs to watch out for, and pharmacological treatments. You can access it via the Search field or the Comparison Table index at the bottom of the page.
New look
November 2022

New look

Antimicrobial Therapy
We have revamped our antibiotic treatment charts. They are still filled with relevant information and useful links on a variety of conditions, but they are now more streamlined and user-friendly. Those charts can be accessed from the index at the bottom of the home screen or directly from the Search field.
Secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases
October 2022

Secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Comparative Drug Charts
The information on secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases has been updated and is now included in our comparative drug chart for oral antiplatelet agents. This table presents some of the antiplatelet regimens used in the management of certain events related to coronary heart disease.

You can access it by consulting the Comparative Drug Charts section index at the bottom of the homepage or by using the Search field.
Pulmonary tuberculosis
September 2022

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Antimicrobial Therapy
We've updated our antibiotic treatment chart for pulmonary tuberculosis to include the new Canadian Tuberculosis Standards. This chart can be accessed from the index at the bottom of the home screen or directly from the Search field.
RxIntensi-T rating
August 2022

RxIntensi-T rating

Did you know that upon analyzing a patient's file in Perspectives, the analysis results viewer from RxVigilance, you have access to the RxIntensi-T rating? RxIntensi-T performs a calculation that reflects the level of complexity of the profile to help you assess workload and set priorities. When the RxIntensi-T score is displayed, we invite you to read the full description of this tool that provides an overview of the level of involvement required for each patient.
Smallpox and monkeypox
July 2022

Smallpox and monkeypox

Information Sheets - Monographs
A monkeypox fact sheet for the public has been added to RxVigilance. In addition, two new product monographs related to smallpox and monkeypox are available. The first is related to the smallpox and monkeypox vaccine, and the second is about tecovirimat.
New natural products fact sheets
June 2022

New natural products fact sheets

Natural Products
We have added 3 new natural health product sheets: apple cider vinegar, quercetin and peppermint. Among other things, they contain information about common uses, side effects to look out for, warnings, and potential interactions. Depending on your RxVigilance subscription, separate sheets for professionals and patients are available.

You can access them via the Search field or the Natural Products index at the bottom of the homepage.
Common Bowel Preparation Agents for Colonoscopy
May 2022

Common Bowel Preparation Agents for Colonoscopy

Comparative Drug Charts
The comparative chart on common bowel preparation agents for colonoscopy has been updated. It can be used to compare options and assist with medication management in preparation for colonoscopy, among other things.
Did you know?
April 2022

Did you know?

Abbreviations Index
In RxVigilance, you will find a list of common abbreviations along with their respective descriptions. This tool can be useful for reading a prescription, for example. That said, keep in mind that abbreviations can be confusing, ambiguous, and even dangerous. They should be used sparingly.

The Abbreviations Index can be accessed by typing abbreviations in the search field.
Vaginal moisturizers and lubricants
March 2022

Vaginal moisturizers and lubricants

Comparative Drug Charts
We have created a brand-new chart for vaginal moisturizers and lubricants. This chart contains useful information to help you advise your patients in choosing products to treat vaginal dryness. It outlines the features and drawbacks of the various products on the market, their compatibility with condoms, and more.

You can access it by consulting the Comparative Drug Charts section index at the bottom of the homepage or by using the Search field.
Commercial infant formulas
February 2022

Commercial infant formulas

Comparative Drug Charts
The comparative chart of commercial infant formulas has been updated. It can be used to find comparable products based on their contents and help you choose a formula that meets the infant's needs.

We have also added a comparison chart of various human milk fortifiers.

You can access it by consulting the Comparative Chart section index at the bottom of the homepage or by using the Search field.
Natural products fact sheets
January 2022

Natural products fact sheets

Natural Products
Our natural product fact sheets now feature new content and visuals. Among other things, they contain information about common uses, side effects to look out for, warnings, and potential interactions. Depending on your RxVigilance subscription, separate sheets for professionals and patients are now available.

You can access them via the Search field or the Natural Products index at the bottom of the homepage.
December 2021


Comparative Drug Charts
We've created a brand-new document explaining the medications used to treat migraines. It includes comparative data on various migraine medications, as well as information regarding migraine types and treatment options.

To access it, go to the Comparative Drug Charts index at the bottom of the homepage, or use the Search box.
A new section Pharmacogenomics
November 2021

RxIntensi-T rating

Did you know that upon analyzing a patient's file in Perspective, the analysis results viewer from RxVigilance, you have access to the RxIntensi-T rating?

RxIntensi-T performs a calculation that reflects the level of complexity of the profile to help you assess workload and set priorities.

When the RxIntensi-T score is displayed, we invite you to read the full description of this tool that provides an overview of the level of involvement required for each patient.
A new section Pharmacogenomics
October 2021

A new section Pharmacogenomics

A new section on Pharmacogenomics is now available in our monographs!

Located under Indications and dosages, it presents data from the CPIC (Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium).

A document on the topic is also available. You can access it via the search field or the Professional Documentation index at the bottom of the page.
New Compounding Formulations
August 2021

New Compounding Formulations

Compounding Formulas

The following formulations have been added to the master formula registry:

  • Lapatinib 50 mg/mL oral suspension (Ora-Blend) (tablets)
  • Erlotinib 10 mg/mL oral suspension (Ora-Blend) (tablets)
  • Imatinib 40 mg/mL oral suspension (Ora-Sweet) (tablets)
  • Nadolol 10 mg/mL oral suspension (Oral Mix) (tablets)

You can access the formulations by using the Search box or through the module entitled Compounding Formulas.

July 2021


Patient Handouts
A new patient handout concerning scleroderma is now available. It describes the most common symptoms and when to consult a health care professional, among others. You can access the handout via our Patient Information Sheets index or by using the search field on the homepage.
Reworked dressing-related information
May 2021

Reworked dressing-related information

With a view of always providing you with reliable and updated information, our team introduces a new tool called Dressings, which now uses class-specific information sheets to display the information. This tool centralizes dressings-related information. It replaces the monographs, the comparative chart and the dynamic comparison tool that were previously available.
Respiclick instructions
April 2021

Respiclick instructions

Patient Information Sheets
We've developed a new patient document with illustrated instructions for using the Respiclick inhaler. Patients who are concerned about properly taking their medication will no doubt find it useful. You can access the document through our Information Sheets index or by running a search on your home screen.
Magic mouthwash section: Revised and expanded
March 2021

Magic mouthwash section: Revised and expanded

Compounding Formulas
We have revised and improved the section on magic mouthwash formulas. If you know the name of the formula you're looking for, simply type it in the search field. If you only know the ingredients, check the corresponding boxes in the magic mouthwash index. Any formulas not containing those ingredients will be filtered out.
Compounding Formulas Registry
February 2021

Compounding Formulas Registry

Compounding Formulas
The master formulations contained in the Compounding Formulas module are subject to periodic revisions. Our team takes note of new data published in the literature, thus ensuring that the formulas contained in our registry remain well referenced and supported by reliable stability data. As a result, a formula may be removed from the register when recent data no longer justifies its preparation.
Parenteral Drug Administration
January 2021

Parenteral Drug Administration

Professional Documentation
The comparative chart on hypoglycemic agents and the monographs for certain agents, including canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, empagliflozin, have been modified following the updated Diabetes Canada guidelines for the management of type 2 diabetes in adults. You can access these documents via the Search field on the homepage.
Meningococcal disease and tooth decay
December 2020

Meningococcal disease and tooth decay

Patient Information Sheets
We have created new information sheets about meningococcal disease and about tooth decay. You can access this information via the index at the bottom of the homepage or by using the search field.
Addition of the Pediatric Pharmacy Association's KIDs List 2020
November 2020

Addition of the Pediatric Pharmacy Association's KIDs List 2020

The KIDs List is a list of potentially inappropriate drugs for pediatric use. It was developed by pharmacists who are members of the Pediatric Pharmacy Association. Its objectives include promoting the safe use of medications in pediatrics by serving as a guide for clinical decision-making.

We have added the KIDs List information in the Pediatric Dosage section of the relevant medications monograph.
Directions for use for Byetta<sup>®</sup> and Victoza<sup>®</sup>
October 2020

Directions for use for Byetta® and Victoza®

Patient Information Sheets
We've developed two new patient documents with illustrated instructions for using the injectable medications Byetta® and Victoza®. Patients who are concerned about properly administering their injections will no doubt find them useful.

You can access the handout via our Patient Information Sheets index or by using the search field on the homepage.
NAPRA standard for the compounding formulas
September 2020

NAPRA standard for the compounding formulas

Professional documentation
Pharmacists outside of Quebec will be glad to learn that the categories for master formulations, previously based on USP 795 standards, are now based on the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) standard. Note that the OPQ standard remains in effect in Quebec. The August version of RxVigilance also includes two new documents relating to the standard for pharmacy compounding of non-sterile preparations, namely the model standards and the guidance document.
Drugs used to treat asthma
August 2020

Drugs used to treat asthma

Comparative Drug Charts
We have updated our chart on Drugs used to treat asthma. In addition to revising the content, we have added several useful links about the various inhaler devices. This chart can be accessed from the index at the bottom of the home screen or directly from the search field.
Redesign of the Adverse effects section
July 2020

Redesign of the Adverse effects section

We have made changes to the Adverse effects section of our monographs. One of the changes you will notice is that this section is now divided into subsections. These subsections include a detailed list of adverse effects, a presentation of adverse effects by system, possible effects on laboratory tests, and a summary of the most common or relevant adverse effects, when available.
Drugs used to treat COPD
June 2020

Drugs used to treat COPD

Comparative Drug Charts
We have updated our chart on Drugs used to treat COPD. In addition to having reviewed the content, we have also added several useful links to the various inhalation devices. You can access the chart via the index at the bottom of the homepage or by using the search field.
Useful informations
May 2020

Useful informations

To provide quick and easy access to reliable resources, our team has created a web page containing useful links about COVID-19 all in one place. You can access it by clicking the icon at the top of the homepage or directly via the Search field.
Travel information for professionals
March 2020

Travel information for professionals

Professional Reference

To properly advise your patients on travel immunization and malaria chemoprophylaxis, you can obtain information by consulting the references in the Professional Reference under the Immunization and Travel heading. You can access the Professional Reference from the bottom of the homepage, or by using the Search box.

Intrauterine Contraception
February 2020

Intrauterine Contraception

Comparative Drug Charts

We recently created a brand new explanatory document on Intrauterine Contraception. You will find comparative data on the various copper and levonorgestrel IUDs, as well as information on their benefits and side effects, among others. To access, go to the Comparative Drug Charts index at the bottom of the homepage, or use the Search box.

Travel Health Information by Destination
January 2020

Travel Health Information by Destination

Information Sheets

We recently completed a visual overhaul of the Travel-Health Information leaflets to optimize viewing, making them, among other things, fully optimized for mobiles devices. These handouts contain a wide range of useful information (e.g., vaccines, medications, sanitation issues and emergency contact numbers). To access, go to the Travel-Health index at the bottom of the homepage, or use the Search box.

Antiretrovirals for the treatment of HIV infection
December 2019

Antiretrovirals for the treatment of HIV infection

Comparative Drug Chart

We have a comparative chart for drugs used in the treatment of HIV infection. Among other things, you will find antiretroviral drug regiments and information about pre-exposure and postexposure prophylaxis.

Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen Dosage for Children
October 2019

Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen Dosage for Children

Information Sheets

We have updated our patient handouts on acetaminophen and ibuprofen dosages for children. The visual aid in particular has been optimized, and is now more user-friendly. You can access the handout via the Patient Information Sheets index at the bottom of the homepage or by using the Search box.

INESSS Documents
August 2019

INESSS Documents

Professional Documentation

Two of INESSS's national medical protocols (the protocol on warfarin adjustment and the protocol on antihypertensive medication adjustment) have been added to the professional documentation. You can access these documents via the Professional Documentation link at the bottom of the screen or by using the Search box. [French only]

ONTarget - Resource Guide
June 2019

ONTarget - Resource Guide


The links in certain product monographs that took readers to OnTarget documents have been replaced with links that now take readers directly to the OnTarget site. At the moment, this website requires users to create an account. We are currently working with OnTarget to allow direct access to this resource.

Plaque psoriasis
June 2019

Plaque psoriasis

Comparative Drug Chart

We have developed a comparative chart that deals with the drugs used to treat plaque psoriasis. It includes information on the pathophysiology of psoriasis, as well as treatment principles such as biologic agents.

Biosimilar Biologic Drugs
May 2019

Biosimilar Biologic Drugs

Professional Documentation

Two documents on biosimilar biologics, published by the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH), have been added to the Professional Documentation section. The first one is intended for health professionals, while the second one is for patients.

List of Hazardous Drugs
April 2019

List of Hazardous Drugs


NIOSH has removed risperidone and paliperidone from its list of hazardous drugs. Changes have been made to the product monographs in question.

Drugs used to treat hypertension
March 2019

Drugs used to treat hypertension

Comparative Drug Chart

We have added a comparative chart for drugs used to treat hypertension. This document also includes a summary of Hypertension Canada's latest guidelines.

Perioperative management of oral anticoagulants
February 2019

Perioperative management of oral anticoagulants

Comparative Drug Chart

A section on perioperative management has been added to the oral anticoagulants comparative drug chart. This section provides relevant information on what to consider when faced with making a clinical decision to interrupt or continue anticoagulation before surgery or a procedure, based on the risk of surgical bleeding and on the patient's thromboembolic risk.

Documents from the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal
January 2019

Documents from the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal

Professional Documentation

Documents entitled You May Be at Risk, published by the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal, have been added to our Professional Documentation. They explain to patients the risks associated with certain classes of drugs. These include antipsychotics, proton pump inhibitors, sedative-hypnotics, sulfonylureas, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and antihistamines.

Chronic Kidney Disease
December 2018

Chronic Kidney Disease

Professional documentation

A document on chronic kidney disease has been added to the Professional Documentation. To refer to it, use the search field or click on the link in the Renal Impairment section of our monographs.

Profile Analysis
November 2018

Profile Analysis

Dynamic Tools

You may now begin to familiarize yourselves with our brand new analysis engine. To access, simply click on the link entitled Profile Editor (New!) located in the dynamic tools column at the bottom centre of the main RxVigilance menu. Our software developers will be integrating the new engine over the course of the next few months. We are always available to answer any questions or comments you may have.

Phone Book
Septembre 2018

Phone Book

New platform

Vigilance Santé, in partnership with Clinia, is proud to announce that the phone book will be migrating to a new platform! In addition to having access to the same useful information, you will be able to enjoy new functions (business hours, services offered, interactive map, ability to update pharmacy-related information, etc.). The new platform, developed in collaboration with Clinia, can also be used to gather information on other useful health resources (medical clinics, collection centres, etc.). If you had manually entered personal numbers into your directory, do not hesitate to contact our customer service department for help on retrieving them.