
There are more than 1500 product monographs available in RxVigilance. Each one is available across all digital platforms, and provides all the information health professionals require as part of their everyday practice.

Key information

Information pertaining to the drugs found in the RxVigilance product monographs is invaluable to any professional working in the health sector.

Quick and easy to consult

A navigation menu makes for quick and easy access to content that is of interest to you. The menu options, chosen to reflect the needs of health professionals, promptly take you to information needed on a daily basis, including side effects, warnings and dosing.

Rich in content

Enjoy detailed information at your fingertips. Various aspects of the active molecule, including interactions and metabolic pathways, are analyzed.

Fully mobile

Product monographs are fully compatible with all mobile devices. Enjoy the same features and content you appreciate in RxVigilance, on your mobile device.

A simplified navigation menu makes it easy to quickly identify the main content categories in the mobile application.


Each monograph is available in French and English. Use the language icon to seamlessly switch from one language to another.

  • Mobile
  • Printable
  • Bilingual

Included in RxVigilance!

This tool is part of RxVigilance. Subscribe to it today on our online store!

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